Design-as-a-Competitive-Edge DAACE is collaborative project led by Ornamo Art and Finland and The Bureau of European Design Associations – BEDA that focuses on supporting designers to enhance their capabilities of building sustainable businesses around design.
DAACE’s target is to help designers and SMEs to utilize design effectively as part of their business strategy and as means to create competitive edge. The project is executed as a collaboration between the partners providing relevant IP information to designers of all the interested BEDA members (50+ Design Organizations in 28 European countries).
An integral part of effective use of design is to know how to create an IP strategy around and connected with company’s business goals and business strategy. Designers often work as entrepreneurs and sell design services to customers who themselves are often SMEs. It is very important for designers to understand how IP is related to the design they create and how to handle this contractually; whether to transfer all rights or grant a license. Discussion about how to handle intellectual property of design also encourages the customer to view design as a valuable intangible asset worth investing to and worth protecting. Even though the designer and the SME are on opposite sides in the negotiation table with each other, it is in their joint interest to have design well protected from copying and a clear plan of action for possible infringements.
Specifically the project goals are to
- help designers and SMEs to identify what constitutes as their intangible assets.
- visualize different type of intellectual property rights that relate to design.
- support designers and SMEs to identify their unique competitive edge and build IP protection plan around that.
- help designers and SMEs understand what type of role do different IPRs play in creating comprehensive IP protection.
- give designers tools to understand the value of protected (or protectable) design.
- give concrete tools to help designers negotiate contracts with customers that reflect fair market value and where (IP) liabilities and risks are fairly distributed.
- encourage designers and SMEs to take advantage of available public funding opportunities for protecting design (such as the SME Fund).
DAACE Vision:
Every European Designer has access to knowledge and information about intellectual property rights related to design and has tools to apply that knowledge in negotiating contracts.
DAACE Mission:
Provide IP information targeted to European designers’ needs that will explain and visualize different forms of IPRs related to design and provide clear support on how to apply this in contract negotiations
Many times IP education is built from the point of view of IP legislation. This serves the interests of lawyers more than businesses. Very few designers or companies are interested in IP per se but companies are interested in how they can utilize design as a competitive edge to further their business goal, turnover, profitability and sustainability, and IP is the best tool to advance these goals. To address these questions, DAACE will produce 4 online webinars and videos which are all created from the point of view of a specific business target and the message is built around IP. Addressed IP legislation will be EU based allowing all designers in EU an equal chance to participate. Videos are targeted for designers (especially ones selling design services through their own SME), design students, in-house designers as well as SMEs who utilize design.
More about the project on BEDA’s webpage.
Upcoming seminars:
18.9. I Strong Design Protection – tips and best practices from design and trademark attorneys
8.10. I Licensing design– how to negotiate licensing agreements
22.10. I Design counterfeits – How to battle IP infringements online
5.11. I New design legislation – what should designers know