Together towards a sustainable future

The desire to change, share information and increase one’s own know-how unites designers interested in responsibility. Responsibility Circle is Ornamos’ own group, where change is made together and in a good spirit.

Ornamo Responsibility Circle is Ornamo’s own low-threshold platform. The group meets from time to time, and the group discusses topics related to responsibility or gathers for after parties, for example. The discussion takes place in a warm and relaxed atmosphere.

The group is a place where you can meet designers from different fields, share information and know-how. Sometimes we just go to after parties in a relaxed atmosphere. The group also works on a manifesto related to responsibility as a group.

There has been enough enthusiasm for the meetings, and designers from different fields have come along – from UX designers to interior architects and industrial designers. The language in the group is English, as there are also international experts from the field of design.

Gatherings open to all will be organized again in the fall – check out Ornamo’s member newsletter, website and social media.

According to Ornamo’s sustainability expert Tarja-Kaarina Laamanen, designers in the group share the need to bring about change. She feels that many are worried about the current world situation and face the challenges of sustainable development and responsibility in their work.

– The participants want to promote issues of responsibility in their work. They consider, for example, how to best bring out design know-how in this area. The designers are currently working on a responsibility manifesto, which is one tool to bring out the goals and thinking of design in relation to these serious challenges. It will contain not only a strong message for the design industry itself, but also for employers and decision-makers, says Laamanen.

ORC Manifesto Launch Event | Challenging the Paradigm

The Responsible Design Manifesto challenges conventional perspectives on sustainability and calls for collective action from all stakeholders. Register for the Manifesto launch event on…
Starts: 30.01.2025 klo 17.00