Ornamo’s Autumn Programme Creates Discussion About the Creative Economy and Invites Young Designers and Business Talents to Network

Citydrivers Miniforum

Time: perjantai 7.9 klo 15–17
Location: Helsingin kaupungin kaupungintalo, Eteläesplanadi 11–13

The seminar is held in finnish. More information and registration here.

Ornamo at Habitare

Time: 12.–14.9.
Location: Habitare, Helsingin messukeskus, Messuaukio 1, Helsinki

You can find at us Habitare Fair stand 3a39. Come say hi!

Habitare Design your Pitch – Pitch Your Design

Time: 10.–13.9.
Location: Messukeskus, Messuaukio 1, Helsinki

In today’s world, it is not enough to create perfect products, services or designs, but it is crucial to find the right buyers, partners, investors and/or markets in order to sell them. This workshop will offer the tools for pitching and beyond pitching. This workshop is for designers, artists and design students. We have created for you an inspiring workshop to help you pitch your creations to buyers, partners and investors. This intensive bootcamp is organized by Aalto University Developing Entrepreneurship (Aalto ENT) together with Habitare, Design Forum Finland, Ornamo and Finlayson. The workshop is hosted in english.

Participation is free, and candidates will be selected on the basis of a written application. Read more and apply by 26.8.


SIO: Interior Architect of the Year

Time: 11.9., 12:00
ID Helsinki: Event Center Telakka, Hernesaari, Helsinki

The Finnish Association of Interior Architects SIO announces the Interior Architect of the Year at ID Helsinki -event. After the announcement the winner of the award will be speaking on a panel. The event is hosted in finnish.

The Launching of Design Year 2018 -publication

Time 12.9.
Location: Habitare: Messukeskus, Messuaukio, Helsinki

Design Year 2018 -publication showcases finnish designers and their works. The 2018 issue will be bublished on September 12th.

Check out Design Year 2017 -publication.

Design <3 Business Date 2018

Time:  14.9., 17–22.
Location: Maria 01, Lapinlahdenkatu 16, Helsinki

Are you interested in creating design businesses? Do you already have a company but need a businessman or a designer to complement the team?  Design ♥ Bisnes Date invites you to network, party and create new joint ventures! On top of the dating, you will hear interesting cases and business specialists. The event is hosted in English.

Free entry, limited admission. Read more and sign up here!

The event is part of Helsinki Design Week.


Design Kiddie Academy workshop teaches courage

Time 15. –16.9. klo 1016
Kattilahalli, Suvilahti, Helsinki

Organized by the Design Museum and Ornamo, the “Design Kiddie Academy” lets children work together with design professionals on different problem-solving exercises. The design tools used include curiosity, empathy, brainstorming, sketching, prototyping and testing. Design Kiddie Academy – Workshop on Courage is a workshop concept by Design Kiddie Academy’s designer and teacher Natalia Ritari.  At Design Kiddie Academy we feed child’s curiosity and instinct to learn with activities designed to use child’s curiosity and creativity to support learning. Since learning takes place everywhere we invite all children and their families to come along and become designers!

More info about the Design Kiddie Academy in finnish here.

The event is part of Helsinki Design Week.


Creative Economy PechaKucha

Time: maanantaina 25.9. klo 16.30–18.
Location Kansallismuseo, Mannerheimintie 34, Helsinki

What is intellectual property and how exploitation of IP can generate revenue streams? How should we advance creative economy? This event is targeted for policymakers. It is a joint event by Grafia, Kuvasto and Ornamo, in cooperation with Helsinki Design Week and The National Museum of Finland.

The event is by invitation only and hosted in finnish.

Price Setting & Networking

Time: torstaina 11.10. klo 16–18
Ornamo, Annankatu 16 B 35–36, Helsinki

Do you have problems in price determination for your design work? What should you know about licensing your Intellectual Property Rights? Join the workshop and learn from each other! This networking event is meant for entrepreneurs and freelancers. The event is hosted in English.

More info to come.

Ornamon Design Joulu 2018

Time: 7th – Dec 9th, 2018. Open Fri 3 pm – 7 pm, Sat 10 am – 7 pm, Sun 10 am – 6 pm.
Location: Cablefactory, Tallberginkatu 1, Helsinki

Ornamo’s annual Design Christmas will again take place at Helsinki’s Cable Factory. The three-day market is a unique event to meet Finnish designers, explore the latest design trends and purchase Finnish design, textile, glass and ceramic art, fashion and other lifestyle products. The three-day market showcases design and applied arts by both established and up-and-coming Finnish brands.

#ornamondesignjoulu #ornamodesignxmas