Ornamo’s Safer Space Principles

Our events follow the principles of a safer space.
With these principles, we are committed to making our events and facilities safer for everyone:
We respect the personal physical and mental condition and sovereignty of others. We do not touch one another without asking permission. We remember that we cannot know the boundaries of others without asking about them. Saying “no” is always allowed and does not need to be justified.
We do not make assumptions based on appearance or background. We do not assume for example, anyone’s nationality, sexuality, gender, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic background, health, or ability to function.
We do not use discriminatory, derogatory, or hostile language. We avoid discriminatory stereotypes in both our speech and our behaviour. We do not use terms that discriminate based on injury or medical condition, for example.
We address inappropriate behaviour. Our events have a designated harassment contact who you can contact if you experience harassment or discrimination. You can reach Ornamo’s harassment contact by e-mail at events@ornamo.fi. Contact details are available at the event venue too.
We apologize, if we have hurt others. We understand that anyone can make mistakes. We dare to ask and learn.
Photographing and becoming photographed Our events are documented, and the participants are notified at the venue or digital environment. If you do not want to be photographed, please let the staff know. If you are photographing at our events, please make sure it is appropriate to the person that is being photographed.
You may send us feedback to help us develop our principles of safer space. Let’s remember that a safer space is created together <3