Päivi Tahkokallio elected to BEDA Board

BEDA members met this week in Thessaloniki, Greece, to appoint the new Board and confirm the strategy of design representation in Europe leading up to, and beyond, 2020. Päivi Tahkokallio was elected as Vice President to BEDA Board. She will also be a future President for 2019–2021.
Tahkokallio is the CEO of Tahkokallio Design+ Oy and one of the founders of the Arctic Design School. Päivi, who lives in Lapland, is a specialist in strategic design. She developed the concept of Arctic design, as she wanted to make sure that design is part of the sustainable development of the Arctic region.
The Bureau of European Design Associations (BEDA) is a not-for-profit made up of 50 members across 28 European countries, all with a focus on promoting design nationally or regionally. As a collective, the organisations represent some 400,000 designers from across Europe in every discipline of work from industrial design and interiors to digital design and branding. It is run by a board of members elected by its membership at the General Assembly every two years.
“With BEDA’s vision for design to be embraced in Europe as a driver of growth and prosperity and, an overall strategy focused on influencing the political agenda in the European Commission and member countries, the election of our 2018-2020 Board means we are well-placed with committed leaders to continue building on the implementation reality of Innovation Union 2020 ensuring design is at the heart of innovation and education policies across Europe.” says BEDA President, Bart Ahsmann. He continues: “Design is a tool for industrial and societal innovation and an area we need to keep promoting to ensure it continues to lead initiatives.”
Tahkokallio has been appointed to the Board by fellow members to jointly drive BEDA’s key objectives forward over the next two years.
The key objectives are to:
- Create shared knowledge and synergy
- Create opportunities for design and,
- Champion designers
through connecting with BEDA members, Europe and, global partners.
Full 2018-2020 Board:
Deborah DAWTON, CEO, Design Business Association, UK
Audrone DRUNGILAITE, CEO, Lithuanian Design Forum, Lithuania
Isabelle VERHILHAC, Head of Business & Innovation, Cité du Design St Etienne, France
Anna WHICHER, Head of Design Policy, PDR, Wales
Cyrielle DOUTREWE, Wallonie Design, Belgium
Martin FÖßLEITNER, Board Member of Design Austria, Austria
Karen HENNESSY, CEO, Design and Crafts Council of Ireland, Ireland
Anna JANKO, Project Manager, Hungarian Design Council, Hungary
Fabrizio PIERANDREI, Member of Executive Board and Steering Council of ADI, Italy
Bart Ahsmann, CEO, CLICKNL, NL
Vice President
Päivi Tahkokallio, VP, Ornamo, FI