Call for candidates – New Ornamo Award presents frontrunners in design

The Ornamo Award is a yearly recognition for frontrunners in design. The purpose of the award is to showcase the versatility and value of design. The Ornamo Award is awarded annually for special merit in expertise, development, management or utilisation of design.
We are now looking for qualified candidates in the areas of ecological progress, design leadership and utilisation of design, proposed by referees or by themselves.
We call you to propose preferred candidates for each category. You can have one candidate in mind or many – give us your suggestion and we will present them to the Ornamo Award jury. Check a list of Ornamo members at
Frontrunners in Design 2022: categories
Design progress
The Design progress award is granted for sustainable deeds or demonstrations that improve environmental friendliness. The award winner has been able to genuinely influence the creation of sustainable solutions, products or services during the present time. The award winner has shown an uncompromising will and an ability to promote sustainable and responsible thinking through design within a company or an organisation, or as an independent designer.
The winner of this category will receive a prize of 5 000€ from the Ornamo foundation.
Design pioneer
The Design pioneer award is granted to a fearless decision-maker. The award winner is a design leader who has successfully built a design culture within an organisation and has the ability to create a workplace environment that encourages development and growth.
The winner of this category will receive a prize of 1500€.
Design utilizer
The Design utiliser award is granted to an organisation or company that utilises design strategically and successfully, even in a surprising way. The category winner will receive the Ornamo ball, designed by Timo Sarpaneva.