The Handbook of the Percent for Art Principle in Finland out now in English

The Handbook of the Percent for Art Principle in Finland is a practical handbook for both commissioners and artists interested in art.
The Handbook for Commissioners
The Handbook for Commissioners is a practical handbook for all developers, such as municipal decision-makers, planners, architects and construction companies interested in art. The handbook explains the most common art funding and commissioning models in Finland.
Read the publications in PDF format:
The Handbook of the Percent for Art Principle in Finland For Commissioners
The Handbook for Artists
The Handbook for Artists is a practical guide for visual artists who wish to make public art. The handbook takes the reader through the entire process of producing a public work of art, from signing a contract to working during the construction project and drawing up a maintenance manual.
Read the publications in PDF format:
The Handbook of the Percent for Art Principle in Finland For Artists
The Percent for Art principle
The Percent for Art principle refers to the practice of spending a certain portion of
a construction project’s budget on art. There are several funding models for implementing the principle. According to the traditional definition, around one percent of the construction budget is spent on art.
The principle can also manifest itself as a planning or funding decision, or it may be
imposed as a condition for a conveyance. The Percent principle can also be applied by private developers. It is suitable for new constructions, renovations, infill development and building infrastructure.
The Percent for Art project
The Percent for Art is a project funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture, and its partners in 2014 and 2015 were the following visual arts organisations: the Finnish Association of Designers Ornamo, the Artists’ Association of Finland, the Architecture Information Centre Finland and the Foundation for Environmental Art.
The project was implemented in cooperation with the Arts Promotion Centre Finland. The Percent for Art project aimed to implant the Percent for Art principle in construction culture and decision-making in Finland.
To achieve this objective, the project produced information and material on the principle, was involved in lobbying and arranged training and other events for those commissioning art, specialists in built environment and artists. An art project was carried out in ten locations in Finland as part of an art expertise pilot project, and the project organised a total of 25 events and training sessions in 18 locations around Finland.
The Handbook of the Percent for Art Principle is the Percent for Art project’s final report.