Make an impact to the future of design – run for Ornamo’s board member

Ornamon hallituksen jäsenet Sanna Kantola ja Tytti-Lotta Ojala hallituksen työpajassa kesäkuussa 2023.

Would you like to influence the future of the design field, make a change and develop the design community? Bring your know-how to the board! Stand as a candidate for Ornamo’s board by October 11th.

New board members are elected to replace the retiring members in the General Autumn Meeting of Ornamo on the 22nd of November 2023. The meeting will be held online in Zoom.

Read more about the General Autumn meeting

The board of Ornamo consists of the Chairman of the board and eight members of which two are vice chairmen. The members serve a two-year term of office. The retiring members are Sanna Kantola, Ilkka Kettunen and TyttiLotta Ojala.

Get to know the current board here.

Ornamon syyskokous 2023

Syyskokouksessa valitaan Ornamon hallituksen jäsenet erovuoroisten tilalle. Hallitus luo yhdessä suuntaviivoja Ornamon ja muotoilun tulevaisuudelle. Käytä ääntäsi ja vaikuta!Ornamon syyskokous järjestetään keskiviikkona 22.11.2023 klo 18:00 Zoomissa…